
Kick the Sick: Unlocking Your Child's Natural Resilience

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May 17, 2024

The Autonomic Nervous System: The Key to Immune Regulation

Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractors specialize in locating and correcting sources of stress stuck on the nervous system, what we call subluxation. The autonomic nervous system, which comprises the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches, plays a crucial role in modulating immune function. The sympathetic nervous system, often referred to as the "fight or flight" response, suppresses immune activity during periods of stress or perceived danger. Conversely, the parasympathetic nervous system, known as the "rest and digest" state, promotes immune function and allows the body to heal and repair.

When the body experiences chronic stress or nerve interference, the sympathetic nervous system dominates. This leads to a suppressed immune response. This imbalance can leave the body vulnerable to various illnesses and infections as the immune system becomes less effective in identifying and neutralizing potential threats.

Subluxation can disrupt the normal flow of nerve communication, leading to dysfunction in various bodily systems, including the immune system. Stress gets to the neck, shoulders, and upper areas and creates constriction and congestion, which in turn creates inflammation.

Subluxation can result from various factors, such as birth trauma, physical stress, emotional stress, and chemical toxins. Subluxation is most commonly initially caused by birth trauma and the intense physical/chemical stresses of the modern birth process. If not properly addressed, this subluxation can build up over time, setting the stage for recurring illnesses.

There are intense forces and instrumentation used in interventions, like:

  • C-sections
  • Vacuum/forceps deliveries
  • Induction/epidural
  • Prematurity/NICU
  • Cord wrapping

These experiences can significantly injure the vulnerable Vagus Nerve and upper neck region, creating profound subluxation that sets kids up for a host of future problems - setting the stage for what we call The Perfect Storm.

Additionally, things like severe colic, reflux, constipation, and sleep struggles as a newborn could indicate nerve system imbalances stemming from in-utero constraint or birth trauma.

Using advanced technology like INSiGHT scans, chiropractors within the PX Docs Network precisely measure levels of subluxation and associated nerve tension. With scientific analysis and customized care plans, they can then work to reduce that neurological interference and restore balance to the nervous system naturally, without the need for drugs or surgery.

HRV scan

By allowing the body's master healing system to function optimally, countless conditions can improve, including:

  • Stronger immune function
  • Better sleep
  • Improved digestion/regularity
  • Reduced symptoms of ADHD, anxiety, sensory processing issues
  • Overcoming developmental delays

Empowering Parents and Children

Rather than just masking each symptom, chiropractic gets to the root cause, allowing the body to self-heal and adapt to stressors like seasonal changes, growth spurts, poor sleep/diet, and more. These factors can quickly overload a child's coping ability and trigger illness.

The traditional medical approach is to treat symptoms with medications that ultimately further suppress and dysregulate the immune response. These are sometime necessary for critical situations. However, we know that overusing antibiotics, steroids, and immune suppressants weakens resilience long-term. Research shows that each course, especially in the first year, increases the risks of chronic allergies, asthma, and more illnesses down the road. We must reserve that direction for last resort and move to drug-free, natural-building, resilience-boosting actions.

Rather than reaching for medications at the first sign of illness, we encourage parents to build their child's resilience through:

  • Prioritizing rest and reducing stressors
  • Ensuring proper nutrition, hydration, and movement
  • Integrating natural immune boosters like vitamin C and D
  • Using supportive tools like essential oils
  • Most importantly, getting their nervous system checked!

With customized chiropractic care, many children can avoid the revolving door of sickness, effectively meeting seasonal challenges and building resilience to prevent future problems.

For more information on how to support your child when they are sick, check out our Raising Healthy Kids Naturally Playbook.

The Benefits Become Far-Reaching

When the nervous system is balanced and functioning without interference, the benefits go far beyond stronger immunity. As we know, the nervous system controls and coordinates every cell, tissue, and organ in the body, and by reducing subluxation, chiropractic allows for better-integrated function across all systems.

Parents commonly report improvements in many seemingly unrelated conditions once their child gets on a customized chiropractic care plan. Things like:

  • Behavioral Issues: Many children labeled with ADHD, anxiety, or sensory processing disorders show dramatic improvements in focus, calmness, and behavior regulation under chiropractic care. The brain-body connection becomes optimized.
  • Digestive Problems: Frequent stomachaches, constipation, diarrhea, and other GI issues often resolve when nerve interference along the spine is reduced. Better communication allows the gut to function properly.
  • Bedwetting/Sleep Struggles: The autonomic nervous system controls processes like sleep cycles and bladder function. Restoring nerve tone in these areas can help children overcome bedwetting and achieve higher-quality sleep.
  • Asthma/Breathing Issues: With reduced tension on nerves impacting the respiratory diaphragm and airways, many asthmatics can breathe easier and use inhalers/nebulizers less once subluxations are corrected.

The possibilities are endless because Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care works by unleashing the body's own innate ability to heal and regulate itself. 

No matter the condition, if nervous system dysfunction is contributing, there's potential for so much improvement.

Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care: Restoring Nervous System Function and Immune Balance

The benefits of neurologically-focused chiropractic care extend far beyond stronger immunity. By optimizing the brain-body connection, we unleash the body's innate ability to heal and regulate itself.

At Pinnacle Chiropractic, we are dedicated to helping children reach their pinnacle potential. Our personalized approach to care ensures that each child and family receives the support they need to thrive. If you aren't local to us, please reach out to a trained PX Doc on our directory. Our doctors are committed to changing your child's life for the better, helping them move from chronic illness to kicking the sick naturally.

Expect miracles through chiropractic care and let us help your family achieve a balanced, natural approach to better health.

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Patient Stories: Discover Reviews by Satisfied Chiropractic Patients

Hear what our patients have to say about their experience at Pinnacle.

They are a great group of people and treat the children with respect
My grandson has been being seen here for several months and we notice a marked improvement in his sleeping and ability to concentrate. The staff there is professional and manages the many kids coming in and out with ease and appointments are as scheduled and rescheduling is not a problem. They are a great group of people and treat the children with respect and always have something fun going on for them to look forward to.
After Dr. JJ worked on him just one time, he has been able to enjoy laying on his back more.
Dr JJ and the team did an incredible job with my baby boy. After he worked on him just one time, he has been able to enjoy laying on his back more, whereas before he would just HATE being on his back. My baby boy has reached a new level of ease! With less pressure to the nervous system. Even answering so many questions as a first time dad and giving advice for healthy development! Can’t wait to see how more he develops under care. Thank you to the Pinnacle team you are amazing!
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Pinnacle Chiropractic
7984 Cooper Creek Blvd., Suite #104
University Park, FL 34201
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